Get Involved

For more than 76 years, TPEA has worked to protect the financial security of current and former state employees. During this Legislative session, TPEA is actively working for more than the 250,000 current employees and retired Texans who receive ERS benefits because they have dedicated their careers to serving Texans. TPEA representatives and members have actively testified more than 40 times during this last session. TPEA also created multiple resources and documents to educate Legislators and the public, as well as the media. 


How to be your own advocate

Although law prohibits agencies from attempting to influence legislation, you have a right to advocate on your own behalf - as long as it's on your own time and with your own personal resources. Watch this short video from TPEA's Executive Director, Ann Bishop, explain why self-advocacy is so important. Here are a few ways to get involved:


 The Texas Public Employees Association experienced success since the beginning by securing passage of the constitutional amendment and statutes that created the Employees Retirement System (ERS) in 1947. TPEA’s advocacy on behalf of active and retired state employees is characterized by pragmatic proposals, creative problem solving and a clear, consistent vision of superior benefits and competitive salaries that allow employees to maintain a comfortable lifestyle for themselves and their families. 

Retired State Employees - Click for more information.


Active State Employees

Securing a Pay Raise for State Workers

Understanding Proposed State Employee Pay Raises

Remote Work Helps State Agencies Recruit & Retain 

At the Capitol

Ann Testifies at Senate Bill 2214

Rep. Donna Howard mentions State Retirees

TPEA Testifies for House Bill 1393

Testifying for State Employees & Retirees at the Committee on Appropriations

TPEA's Ann Bishop Testifies at the Texas House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations

Ann Bishop Testifies at the Senate Committee on Business Commerce

Ray Hymel Testifies at the Senate Finance Committee 

Helpful documents:

Texas Public employee advocacy
advocacy for retired public employees
retired public employees advocacy
TPEA advocacy
Advocacy for retired public employees in texas
Employee Retirement System
How Texas Laws Are Made
Texas Budget Cycle Image

How Texas Laws Are Made


This infographic shows the many steps a bill must go through in Texas to become law. After a bill is written (a long process in itself), it must travel through and survive several committee hearings, debates, and votes. There are many opportunities for a bill to fail, or to simply get stuck in the process without ever reaching the final ‘law’ stage. When it comes to legislation relating to state employees and retirees, some bills are successful enough to make it to law, while some fail during a committee hearing or a vote. Regardless, TPEA tracks and covers those bills at every stage, sometimes serving as subject matter experts for drafting legislation or providing testimony.


The Texas Budget Cycle


Have you ever wondered how state agency's budgets are determined, or how much money is put into/taken away from the ERS pension fund? This graphic shows the Texas budget cycle – the process in which the legislature and the governor deliberate and decide on how much money state agencies are allotted each fiscal year, and how they’re allowed to spend it. Once the legislature determines the state’s budget for the next year, the budget bill is reviewed and signed (or not) by the governor, who then distributes budgets and instructions to state agencies.

Texas Public employee advocacy
advocacy for retired public employees
retired public employees advocacy
TPEA advocacy
Advocacy for retired public employees in texas
Employee Retirement System
How Texas Laws Are Made
Texas Budget Cycle Image
Texas Public employee advocacy
advocacy for retired public employees
retired public employees advocacy
TPEA advocacy
Advocacy for retired public employees in texas
Employee Retirement System
How Texas Laws Are Made
Texas Budget Cycle Image

Citizen Handbook: Texas Legislature


The Citizen Handbook gives a broader and more detailed look at the Texas Legislature and how it works, including: how to be more effective in the advocacy process, a list of legislative committees, a glossary of common terms used in the legislature, and more!


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